WISANZ Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Kia ora koutou,

This Saturday 7th May 2022 we will be hosting our inaugural Annual General Meeting in Auckland, with a satellite venue in Christchurch. Come along to help us incorporate the society while networking with other WISANZ members!

Why are we having an AGM?

We are establishing WISANZ as an Incorporated Society – to formalise our status legally and enable us to undertake activities in an organized way to support the aims of the network. Becoming an Incorporated Society requires us to hold an AGM for financial members to vote on important decisions to meet the requirements for WISANZ to register as an Incorporated Society.

While the AGM is a formal meeting, we are planning some fun and informal networking events in Auckland and Christchurch following the AGM, so we encourage you all to participate in what will be a great day with your fellow WISANZ network members.

What do I have to do?

To be eligible to attend the AGM, and to vote on the important issues like our Constitution and the Committee that will run the network, you must register to become a financial member of WISANZ – please visit our Membership Page to register.

As a WISANZ Professional or Student Member (Tertiary), not only do you get to hear all our news through our newsletter, but you also have a say on how the network is run, the types of activities we carry out, the partnerships we might form – and can even be involved in shaping all our activities either by becoming a committee member or participating on a sub-committee. Note: we will send out more information soon about how high school students can get involved with the WISANZ network.

Once you are a registered member, you’ll receive a welcome email with a link to nominate yourself for a position on the WISANZ committee if you’re interested in doing so.

We're so excited at all the opportunities we'll be lining up for our members after our AGM, so make sure you sign up now! If you choose not to become a financially registered member, you can still join our mailing list to receive the occasional newsletter about our activities.

We hope to see you on Saturday!


Happy 1st Birthday to WISANZ!


International Women’s Day 2022